@ricmac you bet - i discovered a nice little hack a few years ago to do exactly that.
the trick is to set the date in the WBM url to a year *prior* to the earliest known copy of the article.
so for example, in your link list you've got the link "2007 Year in Review: RWW Network Meta List"
its url reads: https://web.archive.org/web/20090118082346/http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/2007_web_technology_year_in_review.php
rewrite this url with a year of 2005 (which seems to be prior to the age of any of your articles?):
WBM reads this url and says "Well, I don't have a copy of that article saved in 2005, but the next-earliest one is from January 2008, so I'll grab that instead."
You can apply the same url scheme to all of your links, and it will always grab the earliest possible copy after 2005.