when i was a kid, i never knew this alt dark ending to King's Quest IV existed
another obscure King's Quest IV fact: if you finish the game (and graham lives) - you're presented with a "Secret Code" at the very end of the game. my sister and i played the game for years and never could figure out what it was for - we assumed it was some kind of parser command that had to be entered during a subsequent playthrough of the game.
the actual purpose of the code?
when the game first went into print, each copy had a sticker in the corner that allowed the player to enter a draw for door prizes - and the grand prize a trip to merry 'ol england. the idea was that you'd finish the game, get the code, and then send in your submission to sierra to win a prize.
after the first print run was done, the sticker was removed. unfortunately, either (a) no one thought to remove the code from the end of the game or (b) more likely, cheap ass ken wouldn't pay for a programmer to strip out the code and do a new run of the floppy disks.
so everyone who played the game after that got the code without knowing where the hell it was supposed to be used.
@vga256 i much enjoy these obscure facts
@vga256 kind of wild that she has enough juice to give Edgar a makeover but not to save your dad.
@yomimono sounds like she suspect rosella was going to turn him down
catch eddie on the rebound
@vga256 oh shit, that makes perfect sense
@vga256 the Williams' were such sadists lol
@megmac i love that they put in the extra effort
@vga256 Someone should make an alternative timeline sequel series, where Queen Valanice rules until Alexander reaches his majority, then takes over the kingdom... only to become a bitter, unpopular king. Maybe he even declares that it's time to expand Daventry, declaring war on Kolyma or The Green Isles...
@vga256 wow that music is surprisingly gorgeous
@cultdev yes! AFAIK sierra's first Roland MT-32 game