TIL: stacking a baby and using it as a staircase tread is a valid wall climbing strategy in Ultima VII
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultima/comments/1j6y65c/the_great_serpent_hold_heist_taking_their_cannons/
@vga256 this reminds me of one of my favorite web pages: Ultima "anti walkthoughs" (might need archive.org for some pages)
But the U7 is my favorite one where you can resurrect a NPC just so he can meet himself later at some other part of the game
@kwramm that page has been around for a LONG time. i remember finding it in high school in the late 90s
@vga256 yes, it has. and it still cracks me up
@vga256 That's also why U7 is one of the best games ever. Oblivion is a close 2nd for all the dumb stuff you can do in that game
@vga256 “baby steps” - best and most accurate comment.
@vga256 I'm always doing this
@vga256 oh sure but when i do it to try and get into the costco after hours its "illegal"
@vga256 my first reaction was wondering if that was one of the tricks from Fear and Loathing in Forge of Virtue, but no, they keep finding crazy stuff to do in that game
@vga256 I am suddenly reminded of Temple ov thee Lemur's "Avatar Jackass" http://totl.net/AvatarJackass/